EAG Chart

This is the chart for the announcement of the intention to form a new astrology group in Exeter, made at the Astrological Association's Annual Conference in Exeter in 1996. Roy Gillett, the Astrological Association's chairperson, made the announcement at the beginning of one of the plenary meetings of the Conference.


Exeter Astrology Group Chart

Chart Details: 08 September 1996, 11.28 BST, Exeter, 50 N 44, 03 W 32, (-01.00).

This chart has been active for the group in during 1998 and 1999. During June 1998 the Saturn/Neptune square formed up along the major axis in the chart (Venus opposite Uranus). At this time we consolidated and clarified the overall objectives of the group. We felt that this was necessary after two years of regular meetings.

In 1999 the August eclipse formed on our Midheaven at 18 Leo. During our July planning meeting, a small number of members took a shared responsibility for the group's continued development and operation. This was aimed to spread the responsibility for the group and inject fresh energy into its organisation.

The group moved on-line during the pandemic, and returned to in-person meetings in spring 2022. We have had a number of new members join the group since then which has been very welcome. 

 Chart image produced with Planetdance - astrological freeware. To download click the following link:
