Next Meetings

  • 9th February 2025 - Kate Hubert will be presenting a talk which she gave to the Astrological Lodge on Intergenerational Trauma and the Mars/Saturn Midpoint.
  • 9th March 2025 - In March there will be an exploration of Neptune's ingress into Aries.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Astro-events for 2014.

2014 events
Lunations, eclipses, planet ingresses, major aspects and stations.
Times are either Greenwich Mean Time or British Summer Time.

1st January (11.14am GMT) New Moon @ 1057' Capricorn
11th January (9.35pm GMT) Mercury moves into Aquarius
16th January (4.52am GMT) Full Moon @ 2558' Cancer
20th January (3.51am GMT) - Sun moves into Aquarius
30th January (9.38pm GMT) New Moon @ 1055' Aquarius
31st January (9.16am GMT) Jupiter (retrograde) opposite Pluto, 1217' Cancer-Capricorn,
31st January (2.30pm GMT) Mercury moves into Pisces
31st January (8.50pm GMT) Venus stations direct, 1334’ Capricorn

5th February (7.52pm GMT) Jupiter (retrograde) trine Chiron, 1145' Cancer-Pisces, 2/3
6th February (6.22am GMT) Mercury stations retrograde, 319' Pisces
13th February (3.31am GMT) - Mercury (retrograde) moves back into Aquarius
14th February (11.54pm GMT) Full Moon @ 2613' Leo
18th February (5.59pm GMT) - Sun moves into Pisces
25th February (10.30pm GMT) Pluto sextile Chiron, 1300' Capricorn-Pisces,
26th February (7.29am GMT) Jupiter (retrograde) square Uranus, 1033' Cancer-Aries, 2/3
28th February (2.01pm GMT) - Mercury stations direct, 1810’ Aquarius

1st March (8.01am GMT) New Moon @1039' Pisces
1st March (4.25pm GMT) Mars stations retrograde, 2732’ Libra
2nd March (4.19pm GMT) Saturn stations retrograde, 2319' Scorpio
5th March (9.04pm GMT) Venus moves into Aquarius
6th March (10.42am GMT) Jupiter stations direct, 1026' Cancer
16th March (5.09pm GMT) Full Moon @ 2602' Virgo
17th March (22.25pm GMT) Mercury moves into Pisces
20th March (4.57pm GMT) - Sun moves into Aries
22nd March (2.19pm GMT) North Node moves (retrograde) into Libra
30th March (1.00am GMT) British Summer Time begins – clocks forward one hour
30th March (7.46pm BST) New Moon @ 959' Aries

5th April (9.32pm BST) Venus moves into Pisces
7th April (4.36pm BST) Mercury moves into Aries
15th April (00.47am BST) Pluto stations retrograde, 1334' Capricorn
15th April (8.42am BST) Total Lunar Eclipse, 2515' Libra
20th April (4.55am BST) - Sun moves into Taurus
20th April (8.29am BST) Jupiter square Uranus, 1329' Cancer-Aries, 3/3
21st April (00.26am BST) Jupiter opposite Pluto (retrograde), 1334' Cancer-Capricorn, 3/3
21st April (7.39pm BST) Uranus square Pluto (retrograde), 1334' Aries-Capricorn, 5/7
23rd April (10.17am BST) - Mercury moves into Taurus
29th April (7.14am BST) Annular Solar Eclipse, 851' Taurus

3rd May (2.22am BST) - Venus moves into Aries
7th May (3.58pm BST) - Mercury moves into Gemini
14th May (12.37pm BST) - Jupiter trine Chiron, 1708' Cancer-Pisces, 3/3
14th May (8.17pm BST) – Full Moon @ 2355' Scorpio
20th May (2.32am BST) – Mars stations direct, 902' Libra
21st May (3.59am BST) - Sun moves into Gemini
24th May (6.47pm BST) - Jupiter trine Saturn (retrograde), 1859' Cancer-Scorpio, 3/3
28th May (7.41pm BST) New Moon @ 721' Gemini
29th May (2.47am BST) - Venus moves into Taurus
29th May (10.13am BST) - Mercury moves into Cancer

7th June (12.58pm BST) – Mercury stations retrograde, 310' Cancer
9th June (8.50pm BST) Neptune stations retrograde, 735' Pisces
13th June (5.13am BST) – Full Moon @ 2206' Sagittarius
13th June (6.21am BST) - Saturn (retrograde) trine Chiron, 1744' Scorpio-Pisces, 2/3
17th June (11.06am BST) – Mercury (retrograde) moves back into Gemini
20th June (1.45pm BST) Chiron stations retrograde, 1745' Pisces
21st June (11.51am BST) - Sun moves into Cancer
23rd June (1.35pm BST) Venus moves into Gemini
27th June (9.10am BST) New Moon @ 537' Cancer

1st July (1.51pm BST) - Mercury stations direct, 2423' Gemini
12th July (12.26pm BST) - Full Moon @ 2003' Capricorn
13th July (5.46am BST) - Mercury moves into Cancer
16th July (11.30am BST) - Jupiter moves into Leo
18th July (3.07pm BST) - Venus moves into Cancer
20th July (9.35pm BST) Saturn stations direct, 1638' Scorpio
22nd July (3.54am BST) Uranus stations retrograde, 1630' Aries
22nd July (10.41pm BST) - Sun moves into Leo
26th July (3.26am BST) – Mars moves into Scorpio
26th July (11.43pm BST) - New Moon @ 352' Leo
31st July (11.47pm BST) - Mercury moves into Leo

5th August (5.12pm BST) - Saturn trine Chiron (retrograde), 1650' Scorpio-Pisces, 3/3
10th August (7.10pm BST) - Full Moon @ 1802' Aquarius
12th August (8.25am BST) - Venus moves into Leo
15th August (5.45pm BST) – Mercury moves into Virgo
23rd August (5.46am BST) - Sun moves into Virgo
25th August (3.14pm BST) – New Moon @ 219' Virgo

2nd September (6.39am BST) – Mercury moves into Libra
5th September (6.08pm BST) - Venus moves into Virgo
9th September (2.39am BST) - Full Moon @ 1619' Pisces
13th September (10.58pm BST) – Mars moves into Sagittarius
23rd September (1.36am BST) Pluto stations direct, 1059' Capricorn
23rd September (3.29am BST) - Sun moves into Libra
24th September (7.15am BST) - New Moon @ 108' Libra
25th September (7.19pm BST) - Jupiter trine Uranus, 1459' Leo-Aries
27th September (11.40pm BST) - Mercury moves into Virgo
29th September (9.53pm BST) - Venus moves into Libra

4th October (6.03pm BST) – Mercury stations retrograde, 219' Scorpio
8th October (11.50am BST) Total Lunar Eclipse, 1505' Aries (conjunct Uranus)
10th October (6.28pm BST) - Mercury moves into Libra
23rd October (12.57pm BST) - Sun moves into Scorpio
23rd October (9.53pm BST) - Venus moves into Scorpio
23rd October (10.57pm BST) - Partial Solar Eclipse, 024' Scorpio
25th October (8.18pm BST) – Mercury stations direct, 1646' Scorpio
26th October (2.00am BST) British Summer Time ends – clocks go back one hour.
26th October (10.44am GMT) - Mars moves into Capricorn

6th November (10.24pm GMT) - Full Moon @ 1426' Taurus
8th November (11.10pm GMT) – Mercury moves into Scorpio
16th November (7.05am GMT) - Neptune stations direct, 447' Pisces
16th November (7.05pm GMT) - Venus moves into Sagittarius
22nd November (9.38am GMT) - Sun moves into Sagittarius
22nd November (12.33pm GMT) – New Moon @ 007' Sagittarius
23rd November (11.44pm GMT) Chiron stations direct, 1305' Pisces
28th November (2.27am GMT) – Mercury moves into Sagittarius

4th December (11.58pm GMT) - Mars moves into Aquarius
6th December (12.28pm GMT) - Full Moon @ 1418' Gemini
8th December (8.41pm GMT) Jupiter stations retrograde, 2237' Leo
10th December (4.43pm GMT) - Venus moves into Capricorn
15th December (6.15am GMT) - Uranus (retro) square Pluto, 1236' Aries-Capricorn, 6/7
17th December (3.54am GMT) - Mercury moves into Capricorn
21st December (10.46pm GMT) - Uranus stations direct, 1234' Aries
21st December (11.03pm GMT) - Sun moves into Capricorn
22nd December (1.37am GMT) - New Moon @ 006' Capricorn

23rd December (4.34pm GMT) - Saturn moves into Sagittarius