OLDHAM BY-ELECTION taking place on 3 Dec 2015: a
prediction (finalised
on 15 November).
Richard Burch
21 October, the long-standing Labour MP for Oldham West and Royton,
Michael Meacher, died at the age of 75. Meacher was one of a small
number of MPs both to nominate and vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the
recent leadership contest. Both men had been followers of Tony Benn
in his day. The writ for this by-election was moved quickly by Labour
- before Meacher was even laid to rest - in order to stop UKIP
building up momentum among voters.
the Start of Poll Chart (above), Mars, ruler of the first
(representing the tenant of the seat - Labour) is very weak in terms
of essential dignities. It rates minus 10 and peregrine, the lowest
by far of all seven traditional planets. In the Close Chart (below)
Labour is ruled by the Sun, but it too is weak - minus 5 and
peregrine. The primary opposition, UKIP (shown first by Venus then by
Saturn in the two charts) scores 5 and 3 points respectively.
the Start Chart, Mars cannot make any aspect with Mercury (10th
ruler, the office of MP), the sextile having occurred 7 degrees
earlier (measuring to 7 weeks previously, to Meacher's last days as
MP). Nor is the Moon of any help as co-ruler of the 10th, as she
makes no major aspect to Mars. (Moon cannot co-rule the 1st as then
she would also have to co-rule the 7th in this contest between
equals.) The Moon symbolises the electorate and shows that goodwill
towards Labour can’t be relied on to survive post-Meacher. The
Mercury-Jupiter mutual reception cannot be switched around to any
advantage. But nor can Venus (for the opposition) perfect any aspect
with Mercury either (Venus leaves its sign first). However, Venus is
trine Fortuna (votes) and this may aid UKIP a little.
the Close Chart, the same thing applies for Labour as before - the
Sun cannot make any aspect with Venus (10th ruler), and the Moon as
10th co-ruler is too far forward in its sign to be of any help. For
the opposition, Saturn can't aspect Venus, and yet again the Moon
can't help. Saturn is square Neptune, the meaning of which is
uncertain here.
purely on the relative strengths of the significators in both charts,
it seems the opposition party, UKIP, will take the seat.
if the Moon is allowed to be ascendant co-ruler then Labour may well
win, though by a reduced majority (Moon in the Start Chart
immediately squares Sun, then on to square Mercury). But I'm far from
convinced this rule applies.
it over, I decided on 9 November to ask a horary question - 'Will
Labour win Oldham?'
I thought it would probably be inconclusive - but I drew up the
Labour candidate I'm concerned with - Jim McMahon, leader of the
local council - is an undesignated person to me, so shown this time
by the seventh house (ruler Venus). The tenth from the seventh (i.e.
the fourth) is ruled by Jupiter, with secondary ruler Neptune on the
cusp. There is no Venus-Jupiter aspect, nor a Venus-Neptune one.
Allowing the Moon (19 LIB 52) to co-rule the seventh is equally
fruitless. She is void of course - nothing will come of it. Labour
will not win.
The principal opponent (John Bickley for UKIP) is shown by Mars.
There is no aspect to Mercury (his tenth house ruler), so he is not
shown positively to win. But on the strengths of the main
significations, Mars rates 7 and Venus 5 - just enough to give UKIP
the edge.
of course Serpentis rises, just one minute from the exact New Moon
degree this Wednesday (19 SCO 01). Maybe it's showing my judgement to
be faulty. Or there will be some disastrous upset at this election,
for one party or another.
primarily affects the principal opposition party (shown by the
first), UKIP. It also happens to be the Tory Party’s Ascendant -
but they're barely in the running this time. They came just third at
the general election (Lab 55%, UKIP 20%, Con 19%), and it would be an
extraordinary result if they won now. But times are rather
after some days, on 15 November, I decided to put the question
again, slightly differently, as ‘Who will win Oldham? This is the
WILL WIN OLDHAM? (Second Horary)
is seen here as nominal tenant of the seat until or unless displaced
- hence shown by the ascendant (ruled by Jupiter). UKIP is shown by
the descendant (Mercury), and the office of MP by the tenth (Venus).
The Moon (electorate) is in the first, and will rise in 16 degrees
(day's) time, just before the election, seemingly to support Labour.
But she is weak in Capricorn, and it's an intercepted sign, so the
electorate will barely manage to 'do their duty' by Labour. Fortuna
(most votes) is also in the first, on Corbyn's natal Jupiter, but a
long way from the horizon in a third sign.
Moon acts to translate the light from Venus (by square) to Jupiter
(by trine). But she must make a conjunction with Pluto first, and
this may seriously affect the outcome in terms of missing votes.
(Pluto, along with Saturn, is a ‘natural’ ruler of the
Conservatives.) Additionally she also then squares Uranus, perhaps
with further unexpected result. This just
possibly suggests
a Tory victory!
UKIP (Mercury), the obvious conclusion is that the imminent
combustion with the Sun spells disaster (along with the presence of
Serpentis rising in the first Horary). It could hardly be worse.
Expectations within the party have run very high, so the fall will be
all the more painful. Yes, the light of Venus is eventually
translated by the Moon by sextile to Mercury - but it's far too late.
It's gone to Jupiter already. Taken together with the unpromising
start- & close-of-poll charts, I've
arrived at this judgement:
side will do very well, but Labour
will hold the seat with a much reduced majority - perhaps only just.
It will be a disappointment for Corbyn and his circle, and will not
subdue his critics for long. His position as party leader will come
under even more pressure.
UKIP, already fractured, it will be seen as a massive disappointment,
particularly as their candidate recently came so close to winning the
neighbouring seat of Heywood in the general election. They may even
come third behind the Tories. Farage's position as party leader will
come under yet more pressure, and he may finally quit in order to
concentrate wholly on his own EU referendum campaign.
explains the presence of Serpentis as 'a plague on both houses', but
bearing more heavily upon UKIP (i.e. the ascendant).
week after the by-election, the New Moon (19 SAG 03) falls exactly on
the second horary chart's ascendant. Confirmation of a new start for
Labour, perhaps …but in what sense? In horary tradition the New
Moon is regarded as highly malefic…