Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Astro-events 2013

2013 events
Times are either Greenwich Mean Time or British Summer Time.

9th January (4.11am GMT) - Venus moves into Capricorn
11th January (7.45pm GMT) - New Moon @ 2146' Capricorn
15th January (6.07am GMT) - Jupiter square Chiron, 643' Gemini-Pisces, 2/3
19th January (7.26am GMT) - Mercury moves into Aquarius
19th January (9.52pm GMT) - Sun moves into Aquarius
27th January (4.39am GMT) - Full Moon @ 724' Leo
30th January (11.38am GMT) - Jupiter stations direct @ 6°20’ Gemini

2nd February (1.54am GMT) - Mars moves into Pisces
2nd February (2.47am GMT) - Venus moves into Aquarius
5th February (2.56pm GMT) - Mercury moves into Pisces
10th February (7.21am GMT) - New Moon @ 2143' Aquarius
18th February (12.02pm GMT) - Sun moves into Pisces
18th February (5.04pm GMT) - Saturn stations retrograde @ 11°32' Scorpio
23rd February (9.42am GMT) - Mercury stations retrograde @ 19°52' Pisces
25th February (8.27pm GMT) - Full Moon @ 724' Virgo
26th February (2.03am GMT) - Venus moves into Pisces

8th March (8.04am GMT) - Saturn sextile Pluto
11th March (7.52pm GMT) - New Moon @ 2124' Pisces
12th March (6.26am GMT) - Mars moves into Aries
17th March (5.20pm GMT) - Mercury stations direct @ 5 Pisces
20th March (11.02am GMT) - Sun moves into Aries
21st March (11.40am GMT) - Saturn trine Chiron (10°44' Scorpio-Pisces)
22nd March (3.16am GMT) - Venus moves into Aries
27th March (6.47am GMT) - Jupiter square Chiron, 1105' Gemini-Pisces, 3/3
27th March (9.28am GMT) - Full Moon @ 652 Libra  
31st March - (Sunday, 1am GMT) Clocks go forward 1 hour in the UK @ 1am, BST starts.

4th April (1.50pm BST) Pluto sextile Chiron, 1134' Capricorn-Pisces,
10th April (10.36am BST) - New Moon @ 2041' Aries
12th April (7.33pm BST) - Pluto stations retrograde @ 11°35'B Capricorn
14th April (3.37am BST) -  Mercury moves into Aries
15th April (8.25am BST) - Venus moves into Taurus
19th April (11.04pm BST) - Sun moves into Taurus
20th April (12.49pm BST) - Mars moves into Taurus
25th April (8.57pm BST) - partial Lunar Eclipse (full moon) @ 545' Scorpio (conjunct my Nodes)

1st May (4.37pm BST) - Mercury moves into Taurus
9th May (4.04pm BST) - Venus moves into Gemini
10th May (1.28am BST) - annular Solar Eclipse (new moon) @ 1931' Taurus - Saros Series 15 South
15th May (9.42pm BST) - Mercury moves into Gemini
20th May (10.10pm BST) - Sun moves into Gemini
20th May (11.22pm BST) - Uranus square Pluto 1114' Aries-Capricorn (3rd of 7 hits)
25th May (5.25am BST) - appulse Lunar Eclipse (full moon) @ 4°08' Sagittarius
31st May (8.07am BST) - Mercury moves into Cancer
31st May (11.39am BST) - Mars moves into Gemini

3rd June - (3.13am BST) Venus moves into Cancer
7th June (9.27am BST) - Neptune stations retrograde @ 5°22'M Pisces
8th June (4.57pm BST) - New Moon @ 18°01' Gemini
12th June (12.19am BST) - Saturn trine Neptune (5°22’ Scorpio-Pisces) - 2/3 (1/3 was 11 Oct 2012)
16th June (9.01am BST) - Chiron stations retrograde
21st June (6.04am BST) - Sun moves into Cancer
23rd June (12.33pm BST) - Full Moon @ 2°10' Capricorn
26th June (2.40am BST) - Jupiter moves into Cancer
26th June (2.09pm BST) - Mercury stations retrograde @ 23° Cancer
27th June (6.04pm BST) - Venus moves into Leo

8th July (6.13am BST) - Saturn stations direct @ 4°49' Scorpio
8th July (8.15am BST) - New Moon @ 16°18' Cancer
13th July (2.23pm BST) - Mars moves into Cancer (conjunct my Venus)
17th July (6.21pm BST) - Uranus stations retrograde  @ 12°31'x Aries
17th July (6.31pm BST) - Jupiter trine Saturn  (4°53' Cancer-Scorpio), 1/3
18th July (1.17am BST) - Jupiter trine Neptune (4°57' Cancer-Pisces)
19th July (2.29pm BST) - Saturn trine Neptune (4°55' Scorpio-Pisces) - 3/3
20th July (7.23pm BST) - Mercury stations direct @ 1322 Cancer
22nd July (1.41pm BST) - Venus moves into Virgo
22nd July (4.56pm BST) - Sun moves into Leo
22nd July (7.17pm BST) - Full Moon @ 0°06' Aquarius (conjunct my Dsc)

6th August (10.52pm BST) - New Moon @ 14°35' Leo
8th August (12.35am BST) - Jupiter opposite Pluto, 926' Cancer-Capricorn (1/3).
8th August (1.13pm BST) - Mercury moves into Leo
16th August (4.37pm BST) - Venus moves into Libra  
21st August (2.46am BST) - Full Moon @ 28°11' Aquarius
21st August (8.15am BST) - Jupiter square Uranus, 1203' Cancer-Aries (1/3).
21st August (9.56am BST) - Jupiter trine Chiron, 1204' Cancer-Pisces
23rd August (12.02am BST) - Sun moves into Virgo
23rd August (11.37pm BST) - Mercury moves into Virgo
28th August (3.06am BST) - Mars moves into Leo

5th September (12.37pm BST) - New Moon @ 13°04' Virgo
9th September (8.08am BST) - Mercury moves into Libra  
11th September (7.16am BST) - Venus moves into Scorpio
19th September (12.14pm BST) - Full Moon @ 26°41' Pisces
20th September (4.27pm BST) - Pluto stations direct @ 859' Capricorn
21st September (6.19am BST) - Saturn sextile Pluto, 859' Scorpio-Capricorn (3/3).
22nd September (9.45pm BST) - Sun moves into Libra  
29th September (12.39pm BST) - Mercury moves into Scorpio

2nd October (10.39am BST) - Saturn trine Chiron (10°09' Scorpio-Pisces)
7th October  (6.54pm BST) - Venus moves into Sagittarius
5th October (1.36am BST) - New Moon @ 11°56' Libra  
15th October (12.06pm BST) - Mars moves into Virgo
19th October (12.39am BST) - Appulse Lunar Eclipse @ 2545' Aries
21st October (11.23am BST) - Mercury stations retrograde @ 1823' Scorpio
23rd October (7.10am BST) - Sun moves into Scorpio
27th October (Sunday, 2am BST) Clocks go back 1 hour in the UK @ 2am, GMT starts.
28th October (11.00am GMT) - Pluto sextile Chiron, 921' Capricorn-Pisces

1st November (11.14am GMT) - Uranus square Pluto 925' Aries-Capricorn (4th of 7 hits)
3rd November (12.51pm GMT) - Annular-Total Solar Eclipse @ 1116' Scorpio, Saros Series 15 North
5th November (8.43am GMT) - Venus moves into Capricorn
7th November (5.04am GMT) - Jupiter stations retrograde @ 2030' Cancer
10th November (9.13pm GMT) - Mercury stations direct @ 230' Scorpio
13th November (6.44pm GMT) - Neptune stations direct @ 235' Pisces
17th November (3.17pm GMT) - Full Moon @ 2526' Taurus (conjunct my Moon)
19th November (1.06pm GMT) - Chiron stations direct @ 907' Pisces
22nd November (3.49am GMT) - Sun moves into Sagittarius

3rd December (0.23am GMT) - New Moon @ 1059' Sagittarius
5th December (2.43am GMT) - Mercury moves into Sagittarius
7th December (8.43pm GMT) – Mars moves into Libra  
13th December (12.00am GMT) - Jupiter trine Saturn (18°27' Cancer-Scorpio), 2/3
17th December (9.29am GMT) - Full Moon @ 2536' Gemini
17th December (3.38pm GMT) - Uranus stations direct @ 835' Aries
21st December (5.11pm GMT) - Sun moves into Capricorn
21st December (9.53pm GMT) - Venus stations retrograde @ 2859' Capricorn
24th December (10.13am GMT) - Mercury moves into Capricorn

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